Mein Beitrag zu diesem Thema von vor einer Stunde wurde gelöscht, weil er so formatiert war, dass er Ärger oder Drama verursachen könnte. Das war nicht meine Absicht und ich entschuldige mich dafür. Ich bin neugierig und möchte die Meinungen der Leute zu diesem Thema hören, nicht streiten und Drama schüren. Die Karte stellt die Situation im frühen 20. Jahrhundert dar.

Von MissileMan1999


  1. Gynaecolog on

    Pervec emigranteve dhe femijve te tyre ne Janine apo Gumenice nuk ka me shum se 100 vet qe identifikohen hapur me etnicitetin Shqiptar ne ate territor.

  2. DK_Aconpli_Town_54 on

    There’s no more Albanians in Chameria, since they were all ethnically cleansed. The only Albanians left in Greece are more recent immigrants, and there’s no desire for any sort of autonomy among them, even less Independence.

  3. Actual-Wall3083 on

    My mother’s side of my family are chams. My grandpa’s and grandma’s parents were forcefully removed from the territories years ago. Both of my grandparents were born and raised in Albania.

    Based on what my grandparents said, except the christian chams who accepted assimilation, everybody was forced to immigrate.

  4. More autonomy would be desirable but as long as they respect us and our identity it is fine.

  5. Thatannoyingturtle on

    Obligatory: Don’t live in either country

    There are two Albanian groups of Greece.

    Greece has done a pretty thorough job of eradicating any sense of Albanian culture in Çamëria. Most muslims Çams now live in Albanian Republic or diaspora. Orthodox Çams are thoroughly erased and aggressively assimilated by Greece.

    The Arvanites live in Morea, Attica, and the Islands. Arvanites served in the Greek army, multiple Greek war heroes and politicians were actually Albanians. They have slightly more freedom than Çams, but Greece still encourages them to avoid Albanian identities, along with normal nationalistic brainwashing.

    Greece has done a fairly piss poor job at protecting their minorities, compared to say Italy and the Italo-Arbëreshë. The Çams have been expelled from Greece and the Arvanite culture is fading. The west lets Greece get away with everything with Albanians, Turkey pretends to care but really has done nothing for Albania or Albanians and the minority communities beyond beating weird Islamist drum. It’s quite sad.

  6. KopeMaxxer on

    I don’t understand this obsession with some Albanians over assimilated population in the region. Let it go, they are gone and mixed at this point to even be considered Albanian. We already have our own government doing ethnic cleansing on their own. Focus your energy on that…

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