Panzerfahrer der Gruppe „Tur“ (Auerochse) des 225. separaten Angriffsbataillons (beachten Sie die Flagge) bergen verschiedene beschädigte und eine erbeutete Ausrüstungseinheit im Luftwaffenstützpunkt Kursk.

Von Usual-Scarcity-4910


  1. At the top of the turret the reactive armor is a little different, what model is that?

  2. (The video will probably be removed because it’s not exactly a combat footage, but the video is interesting)

  3. Conscious-Pension234 on

    People talk a lot of this about the t series but who ever had the idea to just ads some simple hooks on the front and read and some cables is a genius.

  4. Puzzleheaded_Hat_619 on

    So now ww know… The U in U-Haul stands for Ukraine! Got it!

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