Ich bin ein Spanier/Venezolaner, der Deutsch lernt und in die deutsche Kultur eintaucht, und ich erinnere mich nur an diesen Ort namens "Kolonie Tovar" Das ist eine deutsche Siedlung aus dem Jahr 1843 in Venezuela, ein im Grunde deutsch aussehendes Dorf inmitten tropischer Berge, nicht weit von meinem Geburtsort entfernt. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colonia_Tovar


Von GabeEasyTrades


  1. Dense-Shelter142 on

    If that’s a church it doesn’t resemble any church in Germany

  2. emmmmmmaja on

    Yeah, I’ve heard of it, but I haven’t been there. I have been to Pomerode in Brazil, though, where there are also plenty of “German style” buildings. It’s a really weird feeling to be there because it’s so similar, yet so different and they don’t fit their surroundings at all.

  3. PossibilityTasty on

    I saw the picture and instantly though: that’s in South American. The only thing that somehow resembles German architecture are the half-timber frames, but you can immediately see that they are just painted on, as they are formed in a way where they don’t give any real structural support.

  4. That church really doesn’t look German at all. Some of the other houses in the village do look similar to some houses you may find in some parts of Germany, but this looks like it was designed by somebody who has never even seen a photo of a German village. Wikipedia claims it was based on a church in the town of Endingen am Kaiserstuhl, but there’s nothing there that looks remotely like it. There is just [this church](https://mapio.net/images-p/90572243.jpg) dedicated to the same saint.

  5. Im lowkey in love with that historical architecture in german settlements around the globe.

    I know the often colonial past makes it a difficult topic, but imo our architecture fucking slaps.

  6. MtotheArvin on

    Looks so staged. A wannabe German like in those chinese theme parks…
    I guess thats what it is

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