Das Polarlicht vor 30 Minuten über meinem Haus am Nordpol, Alaska



  1. That’s gorgeous, and a great shot. It looks like the Incredible Hulk should pop out, LOL. I’ve never seen an aurora, including during a trip to Alaska, but am hoping to return there or visit Iceland next year.

  2. Wild, I’m in Fairbanks off of farmer’s loop and don’t see anything. Sweet picture.

  3. Spearminttherhino on

    Amazing pic. Imagine it’s great place to stay. Always wanted to go to Alaska. Hopefully one day. 👍

  4. Splendid picture!

    How is life in North Pole? What do you do for a living?
    Alaska feels so much on the other side of the planet for me here in Switzerland lol

  5. Did Batman show up?

    Seriously cool pic. Even better in person I imagine

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