Elke Van den Brandt (Grüne) tritt als Brüsseler Formatorin zurück: „MR hat während der Formation absichtlich eine Bombe gelegt“


Von PVDAer


  1. Given the budgetary situation of Brussels, I’d be a bit more worried about that than debating the merits of banning some old cars form certain streets.

    But it seems our politicians prefer to wage these useless battles.

  2. kokoriko10 on

    Lol Groen die communautaire spelletjes speelt in Brussel, beter dan dit wordt het niet

  3. LifeIsAnAdventure4 on

    These people think they can lose an election due to their insane policies then still uphold them.

  4. It would be funny if they now manage to make a government. Anyway, curious to see who takes the public reins now 

  5. No-swimming-pool on

    Isn’t the issue that not even Flemish parties want to work with groen in Brussels?

  6. Poesvliegtuig on

    Lmao. You refuse to negotiate with PvdA/ptb despite them being adjacent in opinions, then get mad when the less adjacent parties try to postpone (not even put off!) your worst plans ever (and this is coming from someone who votes for them!)?

    No, you sabotaged this yourself my dears

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