Angesichts steigender Inflation erhöht Russlands Zentralbank den Leitzins auf 19%


  1. Lone_Star_Democrat on

    I guess that whole Ukraine invasion may not have been the smartest move.

  2. ThinBathroom7058 on

    Probably why they increased gold holding in their central banks

  3. Anxious_Ad936 on

    Don’t listen to decadent westoid propaganda, their economy is thriving…..

    Edit: should have added /s for those that miss the bleeding obvious. No more cosplaying as a vatnik fer me.

  4. preemptivePacifist on

    The war ending is going to almost certainly make this worse for Russia (either way!), because suddenly a good chunk of the labor/industry that was/is built up for war production is gonna be almost worthless…

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