China erhöht Renteneintrittsalter um bis zu 5 Jahre angesichts des wachsenden Drucks der alternden Bevölkerung


  1. ShreddedDadBod on

    The French tried to burn down Paris when this happened. I wonder how the Chinese will react.

  2. It’s raised to 63 for men and 58 for women… It’s still among the lowest in the industrialised world…

  3. CrustyCally on

    I’m not the biggest fan of China, but it’s still lower than most countries 🤷‍♂️

  4. StrongFaithlessness5 on

    It looks low, but I bet a 60 years old Chinese man is way more tired than a person from another country. It’s really stressfully to work 14 hours every day at that age.

    Moreover, this means that these people won’t be able to take care of their grandchildren.

  5. captain_todger on

    Guys, ffs. Just increase the migration of young foreign workers like every other country does

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