Das Satellitennetz von T-Mobile ist ein Novum in der Branche



  1. BothZookeepergame612 on

    This is a major breakthrough in communication. The ramifications of this technology are literally a game changer.
    Even Space X hasn’t achieved this level of sophistication yet.

  2. T-Mobile partnered with spaceX/starlink to send emergency alerts using satellite comms instead of tower-to-tower.  Towers can get destroyed in fires, etc…  

    Saved you a click.

  3. SouthHovercraft4150 on

    So when they send an emergency alert it will now work if you are out in the boonies…good, but not exactly game changing for 99% of people 99% of the time.

  4. NotYourAverageOctopi on

    Satellite messaging is an outdated benchmark of D2D capabilities. AST Space Mobile is light years ahead in technological capability.

    Lovely timing of that article release with ASTS launching their first commercial sats this morning.

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