Marine überwacht hochmodernes russisches U-Boot, das durch Portugals ausschließliche Wirtschaftszone navigiert


  1. Accompanied by a tugboat? I mean it was russian so they probably had to tow it the whole way.

  2. RexLynxPRT on

    Since the beginning of the war there has been a lot of movement of russian ships through my country’s eez…

    Really wished our chief of navy plans had the go ahead (the construction of a drone carrier, to monitor our sea)

    Since 2009 Portugal has a project to reshape its geopolitical ambitions. Investments on sea-oriented businesses (like construction of ships, and ports for trade), becoming to entrance of goods from the Atlantic to the EU and expanding our eez from 1.7 million km2 to 3.8 million km2 (basically our sea area would 40 times bigger than our land area).

  3. Sorry, but how does Russia have anything “State of Art” anything??

  4. OldDanishDude on

    That headline has the words “State-of-art” and “Russian” in the same sentence.

    Right next to each other.

    Does not compute.

  5. bone_burrito on

    Either they’re hiding it from Ukraine so they don’t blow it up or they’re looking for some undersea cables to play with if their friend doesn’t win in a few months

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