Man, Russia really likes wasting everything these days huh?
Ok-Surround7986 on
Why is Russia able to use the internet still? Can’t it be shut down?
bitch_fitching on
What does this actually mean though? They already use Deep Packet Inspection to block VPN that use common systems like OpenVPN or Wireguard. They block IPs over VPN servers. They can’t block proxies and VPN over proxies, but that would be really difficult regardless of how much money they spend.
OkDurian7078 on
It sounds like a win-win.
Meilingcrusader on
I mean if China and their much greater ability hasn’t succeeded fully I doubt this will either
Gypsy_Cossack on
Putin will be the only person allowed to
Watch Transgender porn .
JiveChicken00 on
They might as well just light the money on fire.
chilitaku on
Russians are not allowed to know Russia is evil.
GuitarGeezer on
Excellent, this means they are failing to maintain even a half-assed result out of the war other than utter ruin. They limit info more and more so the government can more successfully declare false victories or make mountains of molehills whilst ignoring strategic defeats like Kursk and pretending problems are all ‘handled’ and somehow a victory.
It is a basic admission that the military and even more the economy (not to mention the future of the Russian Federation for decades to come) are all crashing down. And that is a message to suppress by these methods for bad guys.
shanksisevil on
all they have to do is cut a few more sea cables and they should be good to go.
Electrical-Lab-9593 on
it’s funny because all the YouTubers they pay to spread propaganda are trying to sell VPNs via sponsorships
Jujubatron on
I’m sure Reddit will defend that like they did with Brazil’s VPN crackdown lol
Echo chamber
Man, Russia really likes wasting everything these days huh?
Why is Russia able to use the internet still? Can’t it be shut down?
What does this actually mean though? They already use Deep Packet Inspection to block VPN that use common systems like OpenVPN or Wireguard. They block IPs over VPN servers. They can’t block proxies and VPN over proxies, but that would be really difficult regardless of how much money they spend.
It sounds like a win-win.
I mean if China and their much greater ability hasn’t succeeded fully I doubt this will either
Putin will be the only person allowed to
Watch Transgender porn .
They might as well just light the money on fire.
Russians are not allowed to know Russia is evil.
Excellent, this means they are failing to maintain even a half-assed result out of the war other than utter ruin. They limit info more and more so the government can more successfully declare false victories or make mountains of molehills whilst ignoring strategic defeats like Kursk and pretending problems are all ‘handled’ and somehow a victory.
It is a basic admission that the military and even more the economy (not to mention the future of the Russian Federation for decades to come) are all crashing down. And that is a message to suppress by these methods for bad guys.
all they have to do is cut a few more sea cables and they should be good to go.
it’s funny because all the YouTubers they pay to spread propaganda are trying to sell VPNs via sponsorships
I’m sure Reddit will defend that like they did with Brazil’s VPN crackdown lol