China plant bis 2035 den Bau einer Mondbasis am Südpol des Mondes


    1. phasepistol on

      Well they say that… but we’ll have to see what they actually do

    2. InAllThingsBalance on

      I have to wonder if China will then claim that they own the moon.

    3. ManyFacedGodxxx on

      And the United States will be investigating Boeing for its failure to live up to its contracts as the Chinese establishment their settlement…

      SpaceX is our only hope, and a Space Karen/Elon involved who knows where this will lead.

    4. Ten years is not unrealistic considering that much of the technology already exists. Purpose built systems need to be built and tested, but all the technology you need for a Lunar base is already working on the ISS and China’s own space station. Only exception is dust management.

      Mining and other activities may take many additional years, but a simple research oriented base station seems perfectly feasible.

    5. China will be a third world nation again by 2035. They might make it by next year. How can they claim to be able to do this while the Chinese economy is burning to the ground? China is going to be busy trying to survive in the near term.

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