Hallo, kann mir jemand sagen, wer der "magiri" Sind https://youtu.be/bXklyRg0h-Q?si=VX5fuCHLqvOFq2Gf 1:00-Minuten-Marke.
Dank im Voraus.
Von ZhiveBeIarus
Hallo, kann mir jemand sagen, wer der "magiri" Sind https://youtu.be/bXklyRg0h-Q?si=VX5fuCHLqvOFq2Gf 1:00-Minuten-Marke.
Dank im Voraus.
Von ZhiveBeIarus
Probably Hungarians.
Маџири are people from Asia/ Africa they are put on the place of Macedonians who where banished from Agean. They call them selfs Понди or Pondi in English .
Have a look at the Pontiak distribution.
It’s a term for Greek refugees from Anatolia who settled in Macedonia. I don’t know if there were actual people who called themselves like that and the term was borrowed, whether it was coined by us or if it is used as a slur.