Während die verheerende Hitzewelle in Tokio 252 Menschenleben fordert, warnen Experten vor einer langfristigen Bedrohung



  1. macross1984 on

    High temperature + high humidity + lacking air conditioning or can’t afford to use it = heatstroke and death.

    Also older people are much more vulnerable.

  2. MsStormyTrump on

    Heatwave, that huge earthquake the other day, gosh, these people weren’t handed an easy game, huh.

  3. CitizenPremier on

    It costs a lot of money. An old pensioner isn’t going to be able to magically make 200,000 yen appear so they can get air conditioning. They get about 68,000 yen a month.

  4. _MissionControlled_ on

    Well…yeah. Scientists and experts have been warning us for 100 years now. Very vocally the last 30. This is just the beginning. Parts of the Earth will start to get so hot during the Summer that most plants and animals will either migrate or die. The global ecology is changing and fast. Unless we actually do something and sequestrate the green house gases already released, then shits going to really suck on Earth. Life adapts but not at this speed. This is mass extinction level changes.

    We need to start a planetary scale terraform program. All the major world governments collaborate. Work to ban fossil fuels and require green renewable energy sources only.

  5. yoshilurker on

    Linking to a Chinese news source for an article about Japan. Nice.

  6. Ordinary-Article-185 on

    It is hot there during the summer when it is not cloudy and raining, the best time is spring and cherry blossoms. I know I probably smelled on the trains from my sweat drenched shirt. Japanese didn’t seem to sweat at all and the men never wear shorts either.

  7. leisure_suit_lorenzo on

    Future of Japan might well be up in their mountains where it’s still cool.

    I live on one now. My friends in the city down below still have their AC running all day and night. I’m 25min drive away, 700m higher up, and I sleep under the covers with the windows open.

  8. thatguyinyourclass94 on

    if only someone/thing could have predicted this a 100+ years ago

  9. Does it mention how many were homeless? I would be curious to know as that is a problem in the states and we have (albeit limited) cooling centers and such. I dunno if Japans homeless manage to find ways to stay cool in things like this given what I understand is a sort of “homeless? what homeless?” attitude toward them.

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