Im Land mit der weltweit niedrigsten Geburtenrate werden mehr Hundebuggys verkauft als Kinderwagen


  1. Details from our reporter Chloe:

    * Countries across the globe are facing population declines—as health journal [Lancet]( predicted, 97% of them will eventually have fertility rates too low to sustain their size.
    * South Korea is one such country, with a fertility rate that’s dwindled to the lowest in the world at 0.72 as of 2023.
    * Households with pets rose from 3.5 million to 6 million from 2012 to 2023
    * In 2023, dog stroller sales outpaced those for babies. It’s shaping up to do so this year as well.

  2. HusavikHotttie on

    With 8.2b ppl on earth no country has a negative birth rate. Anything over 0 is too much.

  3. bigedcactushead on

    Very curious given S. Korea’s ban on eating dogs doesn’t take effect until 2027.

  4. I don’t really get why dog strollers exist. Don’t dogs need to be walked for exercise and to burn off some energy? It seems like a stroller would be counterproductive.

  5. Obi-Wanna_Blow_Me on

    Barring medical reasons (besides fatness), what reason does someone have to put a dog in a stroller?

    Has anyone ever seen a medium/large dog in a stroller? That would be hilarious.

    On the inside, I feel ashamed for someone when I see them with a dog stroller. Your little, untrained, yippy ankle biter should walk. Maybe it’ll tire them out and they’ll stop yipping.

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