Air Canada bereitet sich auf Schließung vor, da Gespräche mit Pilotengewerkschaft ins Stocken geraten


  1. random20190826 on

    It is not surprising. Someone claiming to be a first officer posted their T4 (a tax form showing income) on Reddit. This person is making less than $70, 000 a year (and it appears the minimum salary for a first officer, as per their collective agreement, is $58, 000 a year. For reference, even low cost airlines like Flair pay their first officers $90, 000 to start). So yes, no one should be surprised that Air Canada pilots are striking despite a 30% pay raise offer.

  2. Revolution-SixFour on

    Hmm… almost booked a flight on Air Canada today. Maybe I’ll hold off on that.

  3. “Prepares to shutdown”

    So in other words – preemptively tighten the metaphorical noose around the neck of the economy before a labour disruption, exactly like the railways just did? Let’s see what that idiot MacKinnon does this time.

  4. Jujubatron on

    Remember when the left was giving Canada as an example for left wing utopia… awkwardly quiet about it for the past 2-3 years. Ask Canadians why.

  5. Anotherspelunker on

    They could probably justify the increases demanded if they cut the executive team bonuses a little bit, but god forbid they are subjected to such unfair travesty

  6. tinfoilwallet on

    Oh no. We booked the holiday of a lifetime months ago, flying with air Canada. We leave in less than a month.

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