Was denken Sie über das jüngste Roche-Interview, wonach die Schweiz für andere Länder weniger wichtig sei (NZZ)?


    Von bikesailfreak


    1. bikesailfreak on

      After reading the article I feel on one side: Pressed by a big multinational polarizing on the bilateral discussion and immigration – mostly looking after themselves. But at the same time, working in this field I can confirm that other countries are heavily lobbying to get pharma to their countries – which would be a massive loss for us.

      Doesn’t it just come down to immigration? Let’s say if Switzerland would put in a high-qualified immigration-only clause and negotiate to keep certain EU bilateral then everybody is happy? At the end everybody looks after themselves: A pharma, a swiss citizen, a immigrant and the EU?

    2. Outrageous-Garlic-27 on

      Switzerland has never been an important export market for other countries. It’s far too small. The low sales volumes is one of the reasons prices are typically higher in Switzerland.

      Now, there is no longer a tax advantage to move your operations to Switzerland – so attracting investment and new companies is not so singularly dimensioned. Switzerland has to trade on other aspects – central location, educated workforce (many imported, because so few Swiss go to University), efficient admin.

      Roche itself spends a lot of money on R&D, but not much in Switzerland.

      Switzerland will need to develop more reasons for companies to invest the country. The UK has a similar problem.

    3. Outrageous-Garlic-27 on

      Switzerland has never been an important export market for other countries. It’s far too small. The low sales volumes is one of the reasons prices are typically higher in Switzerland.

      Now, there is no longer a tax advantage to move your operations to Switzerland – so attracting investment and new companies is not so singularly dimensioned. Switzerland has to trade on other aspects – central location, educated workforce (many imported, because so few Swiss go to University), efficient admin.

      Roche itself spends a lot of money on R&D, but not much in Switzerland.

      Switzerland will need to develop more reasons for companies to invest the country. The UK has a similar problem.

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