Ich habe versehentlich eine Galaxie aufgenommen, die 650 Millionen Lichtjahre entfernt ist. Zoomen Sie heran, um Details zu sehen! Weitere Informationen in den Kommentaren.
Ich habe versehentlich eine Galaxie aufgenommen, die 650 Millionen Lichtjahre entfernt ist. Zoomen Sie heran, um Details zu sehen! Weitere Informationen in den Kommentaren.
I captured this image of the Andromeda galaxy right from my backyard. After zooming in and exploring the details, I spotted a bunch of tiny galaxies hidden in the background. After digging around online, I managed to identify one of them—it goes by the number 2MFGC 511. The crazy part? The light from that galaxy takes about 650 million years to reach Earth! There are even smaller galaxies nearby, but I haven’t been able to find any info on them yet.
Stopfordian-gal on
That’s a great picture, let’s hope you have plenty more accidents!
kamik1979 on
Excellent photo. Would you mind sharing what equipement have you used?
THETukhachevsky on
I got relatives that live there. They don’t visit much with the price of gas today.
Mr_Viper on
Absolutely impossible to wrap my head around 1 pixel of an image containing an incalulable amount of potentially habitable star systems Â
KopfSmertZz on
Could you not say the same for about every blob in the picture?
Thin-Ad7825 on
Out of curiosity, where do you find information about a specific galaxy? Do you use some sort of coordinates or anything? Looks like trying to identify a single grain of sand on a crowded beach!
Starfuri on
Accidently caught a lot of stuff from this one uh?
I captured this image of the Andromeda galaxy right from my backyard. After zooming in and exploring the details, I spotted a bunch of tiny galaxies hidden in the background. After digging around online, I managed to identify one of them—it goes by the number 2MFGC 511. The crazy part? The light from that galaxy takes about 650 million years to reach Earth! There are even smaller galaxies nearby, but I haven’t been able to find any info on them yet.
That’s a great picture, let’s hope you have plenty more accidents!
Excellent photo. Would you mind sharing what equipement have you used?
I got relatives that live there. They don’t visit much with the price of gas today.
Absolutely impossible to wrap my head around 1 pixel of an image containing an incalulable amount of potentially habitable star systems Â
Could you not say the same for about every blob in the picture?
Out of curiosity, where do you find information about a specific galaxy? Do you use some sort of coordinates or anything? Looks like trying to identify a single grain of sand on a crowded beach!
Accidently caught a lot of stuff from this one uh?