Russland verliert an einem Tag weitere 1.270 Soldaten


  1. PM_ur_SWIMSUIT on

    Oh, did they take a wrong turn? A far right turn that got them lost?

  2. M3RC3N4RY89 on

    It’s amazing they can keep hemorrhaging troops at this rate and just keep throwing more into the meat grinder. Over half a million Russian casualties since February ‘22 and their populace hasn’t had Putin hung yet. Truly fascinating how deeply brainwashed they are.

  3. Sweetpants88 on

    I don’t know! Tim Pool told me Russia actually had a huge surplus of troops. Too many than to know what to do with.

    /s incase it wasn’t obvious

  4. SlowCrates on

    No one can convince me they aren’t adding a zero to these estimates.

  5. macross1984 on

    I imagine soldiers are only told by superior to go and occupy target X and that is all. No information on enemy strength, no information on coordination with other units, no air support etc.

    Typical cannon fodder strategy.

  6. platoface541 on

    Honestly this is making me sad, such a waste of people’s lives.

  7. At this point, no matter what else happens, Russia is going to have a shortage of working age men in the coming years.

  8. Sledopit_13 on

    Sometimes sounds similar to Russian propaganda mass-media. No double-checking, exaggeration of numbers.

  9. Bugstomper111 on

    Russians don’t care about their own people. As long as it’s not them, they don’t give a shit. This is just their way of life, very cold and uncaring people.

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