Türkei-Präsident Erdogan: Islamische Länder sollten Bündnisse gegen „Israels wachsenden Expansionismus“ schließen



  1. Red_Franklin on

    The Sultan of Turkey is trying to deflect from his policies-driven runaway inflation

  2. minkey-on-the-loose on

    The Caliphate agrees with The Sublime Porte in principle.

  3. Routine-Chance-6735 on

    Erdoğan, lead by example. Stop persecution of Kurds and support a Kurdish State.

  4. Slimfictiv on

    Honestly, the muslim countries would form an alliance only if there’s a common enemy. If, hypothetically Israel ceases to exist, the next thing that happens: they turn against each other.

  5. -beyond_the_veil- on

    >He said recent steps that Turkey has taken to improve ties with Egypt and Syria are aimed at “forming a line of solidarity against the growing threat of expansionism,” which he said also threatened Lebanon and Syria

    Unfortunately, this consipracy theory isn’t uncommon in Lebanon, Jordan and some parts of Turkiye. He’s playing a very dangerous game here.
    (Needless to say, the vast majority of Israelis are NOT interested in this expansionism.)

  6. AffectionatePaint83 on

    Those guys tried that repeatedly. And they always got their teeth kicked in before running and crying about it to whoever would listen. 

  7. Jasonac7789 on

    How about an Alliance against Russian expansionism? But that probably wouldn’t do well for Erdogan’s pockets.

  8. And once Israel is gone, they expand outwards.
    Case and point, Ottoman Empire.

  9. Erdoğan and his party AKP lost many big cities to the secular opposition party at the last regional elections. And new polls show that they are losing voters fast.

    De-Erdoğanization is near and inevitable.

  10. Israeli, can confirm

    We intend to blitz through Syria in two weeks and conquer Turkey

    It’s all about that black sea baby

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