Russische Banken geben an, ihnen sei der Yuan ausgegangen, da sich chinesische Firmen aus dem Land zurückziehen


  1. Nonsense_Producer on

    Russia travelling back in time. Soon we’ll see caravans loaded with gold, travelling east.

  2. CasinoLand on

    I wonder if they are really going to switch to Bitcoin for cross-border payments. Might do the trick, but China has banned it a while ago. 

  3. We don’t have any more yuan, just rubles dollars pounds euros and dollarydoos, sorry

  4. AreYouDoneNow on

    After the collapse they’ll be very quick to step in and “help” by buying up all the businesses and planting CCP flags out the front.

  5. Perhaps Russia should “lease” more Siberian land and cities to China. Haishenwai, formerly known as Vladivostok, was a good start.

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