Iran lieferte Russland ballistische Raketen – WSJ


  1. Legal-Transition7925 on

    So when they said I’ll scratch your back, you scratch mine, I didn’t think they’d use ballistic missiles!

  2. abir_valg2718 on

    Oh, I’m sure Khamenei asked Putin to not strike Ukrainian territory with those missiles in order to prevent escalation. I mean, of course he did, right?

  3. ForsakenRacism on

    Pretty sad they have to get weapons from
    Iran and north Korea

  4. Didn’t Iran already supply Russia with missiles? Aren’t most of Iran’s missiles basically shitty Soviet era designs?

  5. HisGibness on

    The fact that russia had to go to Iran with their hat in their hand for missiles is rather telling

  6. There is one way to end foreign support to Russia real quick.

    Every missile type that is delivered will be matched with an equivalent range western missile. 

    I can guarantee you the moment this is announced and actived, that Russia will very rapidly stop importing long range weapons.

    Unfortunately the west is too pussy to make that move.

  7. QuicksandHUM on

    So embarrassing that Iran and North Korea are Russia’s saviors. Hahahhaah

  8. LeapingToad3 on

    We should provide Iran and Russia with ballistic missles. Just not in the way they expect…. /s

  9. Western_Drama8574 on

    This is great now we can see all of our enemies shitty weapons not working.

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