Heute habe ich diese Nachricht erhalten und werde um die fällige Zahlung gebeten. Ich bin mir nicht sicher, welche genau. Es scheint, als würden sie die Zahlung im Auftrag von Süwag Vertrieb AG einziehen. Das Problem ist also, dass ich seit meinem Einzug in diese neue Wohnung einen Stromvertrag mit der eprimo GmbH habe. Und ich sende ihnen regelmäßig Zahlungen. Ich weiß nicht, warum diese Bad Homburg Inkasso mein Geld verlangt.

Ein weiteres Problem: In diesem Beitrag haben sie meinen Nachnamen falsch geschrieben (ein Buchstabe).

Ich weiß nicht, wie ich darauf reagieren soll. Soll ich das ignorieren? Können Sie mir ein paar Vorschläge machen?


Von chh3wan9


  1. Normal-Definition-81 on

    Ignoring it is not a good idea. If you can’t explain the claim, contact them and have them break it down and explain it to you.

  2. BarnacleNo7373 on

    The power company gave their open payment request to the Inkasso company to get the money. They then tried to get the current address of the person who didn’t pay their contract and somewhere in that chain they got your address by mistake.

    Ignoring this won’t do any good. You should write the Inkasso company that they made a mistake, that your name is actually different and that you are not the person that created that debt.

    If they continue writing you, you can send their letter back by taking it to the post office.

  3. Maybe they were the Grundversorger before the contract was finished, seems like something your landlord screwed up. Ask your landlord and if that doesn’t help the company in question for the contract details.

  4. Easteregg42 on

    Ask them to provide the contract they refering to that was allegedly concluded between you and the Süwag Vertrieb AG.

  5. Square_Difference435 on

    Nope, don’t ignore. Contact them and explain they’ve got the wrong person. If this doesn’t help -> get a lawyer.

  6. It’s not just electricity: Süwag also does water, gas and heating.

    Think hard: have you ever received any letter from Süwag? Anything you thought was junk and so tossed?

    > Should I ignore this?

    No, that’s the last thing you should do.

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