Coop Flirtkörbe

Von K12angix


  1. TheShroomsAreCalling on

    imagine you’re a journalist and your job is writing trash like that

  2. My theory is that they ordered some hand baskets, paid for them but realised they never specified the color so the supplier just made it the most common basket color(in this case red)

  3. this is never going to work. women dont want to be approached by just any guy, but by specific guys fitting their preference. (men obviously too but its mostly them doing the approaching anyway)

    so in conclusion, a women can not pick up this basket, no matter what, even if she wants to be talked to.

    there are quite specifics steps to take before talking to someone, that basked will not help reducing hurdles

    well i guess maybe the basked will help men to get approached more.

  4. Greatsamsam on

    There is this trend in the US, the only different thing is that to show that they are single they have to add a pineaple in their basket.

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