Ich lebe in Brüssel und habe diese Art von Spinnen zweimal in zwei verschiedenen Häusern gesehen. Ich kann nicht genau herausfinden, was es ist, und diese zweite, die ich gerade gesehen habe (größer als die auf dem Bild und ich habe zu große Angst, ein Bild zu machen), war buchstäblich neben der Öffnung des Waschbeckens, also habe ich mich gefragt, ob sie vielleicht auch von dort kommen könnte? Es ist so seltsam und ich habe sie vor etwa einem Jahr noch nie zuvor gesehen. Sind sie gefährlich? (Ob sie es sind oder nicht, ich bleibe so weit weg wie möglich, aber was soll das?) Kann ich etwas tun, um sie fernzuhalten? Die zweite, die ich gesehen habe, war in meinem Badezimmer, das buchstäblich unterirdisch ist, wie ein Keller, und diese erste auf dem Bild habe ich tatsächlich auch zum ersten Mal aus dem Badezimmer kommen sehen. Können sie durch die Rohre oder so hereinkommen? Das kommt mir einfach verrückt vor, so nach dem Motto: „Häh, was zum Teufel?“
Von Klutzy_Process_7637
Time to put to good use that mandatory fire insurance 😭
So cute!
Needs banana for scale.
This is fucking scary. I would have a heart attack if I turn on the light and see that thing.
Jesus christ
Looks like the standard [house spider](https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grijze_huisspin) to me. Can get pretty big, but are completely harmless.
They are easily scared, active at nights, preffer shadow and create huge cobwebs. I always throw them outside. I preffer jumping spiders in home, tiny, cute, no webs, active hunters.
Burn the house down now
Ass fucking spiders sound quite terrifying indeed
Oh, these guys.
Pretty common and harmless, unless you suffer from arachnophobia and a heart condition.
Still scares the shit out of me when I see one. They do like to come from drains, but are stuck because the surface is too smooth for them to get a grip I think. I see them every few weeks in my bath tub, but only this year have I seen one in my kitchen sink. I hope it’s the last one tho.
Sinks and baths are common places to find these spiders. They fall in and can not get out due to the slippery and steep surface.
Further, they are completely harmless but can give you a good scare when you don’t expect them.
They are totally harmless and quite docile. Just wear a condom, you don’t know where he’s been before
I’m a tall guy but I’m terrified of spiders. So’s my girlfriend so… yeah we have a problem when such big things appear on the house.
We have a lot of Daddy Long Legs (Hooiwagens) which also terrify my girlfriend, but thank God I’m not scared of those because their legs are too thin to trigger a fear response in me. Any other big spiders though….
A very common and widespread house spider. Maybe you should go out of Brussels sometimes, very frequent to see them in normal-sized cities/town.
Oh it is that time of the year already?
They come out in autumn normally at my place and stay hidden the rest of the year.
They are big but harmless. Not nice that they get so big you can hear them walking on the parquet, though.
They come out this time of year, the ones you see are males looking for a female to do the dirty. They’re harmless. Horny, but harmless.
I had a huge one chilling on the highest part of my ceiling (I sleep under the roof so it’s like the pointy one).
One day I came home and he was gone, twas seconds later I found his dead carcass in my bed. I threw it in the trash and I made a thumb sound when it hit the bag. Safe to say I was a little grossed out
Harmless to humans. But if I see this in my room, I would run 120km/h even in curve and take a fire extinguisher to shooo that guy away from my turf! 😂😂😂
Haaaaanz, get ze flammenwerfer!
Found one of these bad boys in my car less than a week ago. It gave my partner the fright of her life.
Then yesterday there was one on the window right next to my ear. Saw that one while driving. Gave me a fright until I realized it was on the outside.
Got lucky, found 3 of them ( huge Monster ) dead on thé ground in my appartment yesterday, I love you my cats <3
Totally harmless, they grow big but they tend to keep the other little buggers away. I once had such a wee fellow falling on my head while in the shower. Thought it was a bit of hair, till it showed it’s 8 legs 😂
Just got one too, in Bruges. Caught it into a glass, covered with a thick sheet of paper, then relocated it outside. Harmless, but I still prefer to know it outside of the space where I sleep 😁
I love these mofos. And jumping spidzrs. Unless they are somewhat in my way, i actually leave them alone to do their thing. I notice a decline in mosquitos when there is an active spider in my room.
Real underestimated heroes and effective pest control.
Bro go buy a shotgun
My cat loves spiders, as a quick snack.
The only reason I would like to own a gun in Belgium, my first reaction is always an urge to shoot them. I don’t wat to touch or come near them