Intel kommt mit neuen Lunar-Lake-Chips zurück und konkurriert mit AMD und Qualcomm mit ganztägiger Akkulaufzeit, KI und ernsthafter Gaming-Leistung


  1. BothZookeepergame612 on

    Let the games begin, as all the big players roll out their newest technology offerings…

  2. Falconman21 on

    Say what you will about Qualcomm and ARM, it’s pushed AMD and especially Intel to up their game on laptop chips.

    Competition is a great thing.

  3. Frasmils-j709 on

    It’s fascinating to see Intel stepping up its game; the increased competition will likely drive rapid advancements in chip technology.

  4. LustyLover5 on

    It is good to hear that intel has a new update just to compete the gaming performance of amd and qualcom…

  5. Destination_Centauri on

    > “Comes roaring back…”

    With a title like that I’m honestly afraid to click and waste my valuable personal time?

    Awful title sounds like an utter bull-shit-corporate-get-down-on-your-knees-and-lick-them-boots-press-release kind of
    “journalistic” reporting?

    Or am I wrong?

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