Hallo Leute, einige unserer norwegischen Freunde haben Neuigkeiten zu feiern und würden ihnen gerne ein Geschenk aus der Ferne schicken.
In Großbritannien gibt es alle Arten von Postzustellungsdiensten für Kekse, Brownies usw. (z. B. https://www.gowercottagebrownies.co.uk/), was genau die richtige Stimmung vermittelt, aber mit meinen begrenzten Google-Fähigkeiten fällt es mir schwer, etwas Passendes zu finden!
Kann mir bitte jemand etwas empfehlen?
Dank im Voraus!
Von Ok_Sky2452
Unfortunately the only thing similar is morgenlevering.no which is only a breakfast type delivery, depending on the city.
Depending on where they live, there could be a bakery that delivers?
I’m not sure there are any easily available cookie delivery services in Norway, but Morgenlevering is a popular optio to deliver flowers, pastries and chocolates in the morning.
Maybe there is something here: https://morgenlevering.no/?campaignid=2067017237&adgroupid=78979498769&creative=424971898012&matchtype=b&network=g&device=m&keyword=%2Bfrokost%20%2Bp%C3%A5%20%2Bd%C3%B8ra&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwxNW2BhAkEiwA24Cm9Ip6dWfw8V5u_FlgHW72lmOoS_x8PJmGYi7yQlEyujuA8qs_M8P7FhoCaGcQAvD_BwE
In addition to Morgenlevering and Amoi, you can also check out [Oda](http://www.oda.no). This is a general grocery delivery, but you will find some baked goods, chocolate etc there too. It wouldnt be gift-wrapped, though.
[https://www.cakeiteasy.no/](https://www.cakeiteasy.no/) seems to just have cakes though.
[https://www.kjeksy.no/](https://www.kjeksy.no/) or [https://diggerdeig.no/](https://diggerdeig.no/) might be closer to what you want.
Some of the Bakeries have a delivery service.
For example
Meny, one of the supermarket chains, has cake delivery
There are a couple of cake delivery services that order & deliver from local Bakeries
For example
And finally, some food delivery services, like Wolt will collect & deliver baked goods