Blick aus Sizilien – welche (Branche) sehe ich?

    Von drjonase


    1. electric-sheep on

      what camera did you take this with, that’s crazy zoom lol, you could possibly be looking at commercial ships there

    2. Ironsides4ever on

      Its ships .. I have seen the same and was confused like you at first ..

    3. Emotional-Ebb8321 on

      Oddly enough, a lot of merchant freighters end up “parked” near Malta while waiting for an opportunity to enter the Suez Canal. Presumably, Malta has better facilities for shore leave and/or resupply during the wait for an entry slot.

    4. Bronzdragon on

      The distance between Malta and Sicily is ~80km at the shortest point. The ‘drop’ behind the curvature of the earth is ~450m ([see calculator]( Malta’s highest point is only half that much (250m) above sea level.

      What you might be seeing here is a reflection of Malta reflecting off of *the air*, rather than Malta directly. If so, this image is distorted horizontally and vertically. It’s both stretched and squashed in both dimensions. All this to say, you’re not looking directly at anything identifiable, I think.

    5. StayUpLatePlayGames on

      I’d say it’s probably ship structures. You’re not seeing the mercury tower from 80 kms.

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