Finnland verbietet Russen den Immobilienkauf


    1. ReallyGneiss on

      This sounds wise. They are known for encroaching on their neighbours lands.

    2. How do they do that when someone can use Finnish residents to buy properties for them. This happens everywhere.

    3. Before you know it you have “little green men” walking around your towns with machine guns claiming to be protecting the local Russian speaking “majority”.

    4. It’s a plan to ban that has been suggested. The proposed law might be presented by end of year, then will be approved or not likely in another 6 months to a year.

      So this article is that basically nothing happened.

    5. Shadow_Gabriel on

      … and other things that should have happened a few years ago.

    6. TheWhomItConcerns on

      Here in Norway, there have been [reports]( of Russian businessmen connected to Russian authorities buying property, often near Norwegian military operations, kitting them out with a bunch of cameras and an Internet connection, and then not even living in them.

      Apparently it’s incredibly easy for foteigners to buy property in Norway, but still I have no idea how authorities ever allowed this.

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