Polen hat aus Gründen der nationalen Sicherheit das Recht, russische Raketen über der Ukraine abzuschießen, sagt der polnische Außenminister



    1. Legal-Transition7925 on

      Looks like Poland just leveled up to Castle Doctrine: International Edition

    2. Apprehensive_Sleep_4 on

      Good news. Everything that Russia deploys from their missiles to drones are a threat to the national security and it needs a response like shooting them down to keep Polish and Ukrainian people safe.

    3. Low-Union6249 on

      They already offered to help Ukraine with this in the form of an agreement between the two countries (not NATO) but the US shot it down (no pun intended).

    4. Covfefe-Drinker on

      Hopefully they begin to do so rather than claiming that they have the right, yet do nothing.

    5. EatShitRedditAdmin on

      I like how restrictions have started to loosen and give Ukraine more protection. Take the damn gloves off, we all know Putin has no balls in keeping with his so called red lines as it gets repeatedly wiped and Putin has more angry words whilst looking behind is back every minute for any scent of mutiny 

    6. baby_fireworks on

      I mean it’s pretty obvious Poland won’t do it, at least alone. Just someone has to start the discussion.

    7. Shan_qwerty on

      But no right to shoot down missiles and drones over Poland, apparently. How about we worry about our own airspace first?

    8. Under_Over_Thinker on

      Yeah, but shooting missiles down and talking about shooting them down is not the same thing.

    9. This isn’t wrong, it’s not like missiles haven’t landed in poland.

    10. whatulookingforboi on

      do it like how turkey did when russia invaded their air space

    11. MassiveLetter4346 on

      Poland should start taking down russian planes over Ukraine if that is the case.

    12. Title is very misleading. Polish FM is talking about Russian missiles that are on a trajectory to go over Polish airspace. He is not talking about random missiles flying over Ukraine (in case people are not reading the article).

      He is absolutely right about that and should not even be up for debate.

    13. nuvo_reddit on

      This. NATO should have been this strong since beginning. The red lines drawn by NATO and US over Ukraine had resulted in much more destruction. A bully needs to be shown strong hand, and Putin is a bully.

    14. BringbackDreamBars on

      Biden will have this shot down in a minute if Poland starts providing AA cover for Ukraine.

    15. Czagataj1234 on

      I agree wholeheartedly, but it’d be nice if we started shooting down russian missiles in *our own* air space first, which the government isn’t doing.

    16. No-Loss2275 on

      don’t forget 11/15/2022 when a Russian missile struck the Polish village of Przewodów killing 2. Yeah, say less.

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