Habe sie auf einer Reise in der Nähe von Schwefelbädern gefunden. Sieht aus wie ein Tunnel, der in den Berg führt. Ich habe online Informationen dazu gefunden.


Von Good_day_0


  1. IKissedHerInnerThigh on

    Ivanishvili’s secret lair where he has pools full of great white sharks to dispose of foreign agents…

  2. good_ho0onter on

    ძველ პრე-ქრისტიანულ, ქართულ ნეკროპოლისში

  3. Timely-Opportunity-5 on

    In all seriousness, one goes above the tunnel and another on the level of tunnel. There’s a huge underground system in Tbilisi, because of soviet regime. Tbilisi was very important city during their regime and they built underground network in case of nuclear wars or just to hideout.

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