Ich bin nicht sehr technisch versiert. Dies ist das Ladegerät für den Gaming-Laptop meines Sohnes. Wir ziehen bald nach Deutschland und ich wollte wissen, ob ich etwas anderes tun kann, als mir ein neues Ladegerät zu besorgen.


Von Lopsided-Wrap792


  1. PossibilityTasty on

    Except of the connector everything is fine by German standards.

    You could use a simple converter for the cable or replace it with a German “Kaltgerätekabel” which you can get for a few bucks. If you use a converter make sure it is safe. There are many multi-converters out there that offer horrible protection against touching live contacts.

  2. No. Those Laptop chargers (USUALLY) accept anything between 100V up to 250V, DC and AC, and anything in between. But why using a converter adapter at all, just get a different cable connecting the charger to the socket. They are all standardized.

  3. Constant-Science7393 on

    No, it will be fine. Just make sure to get one from a reputable brand.

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