„Hamas muss eliminiert werden“: Biden und Harris beklagen Mord an israelisch-amerikanischer Geisel



  1. Better late than never, though I kind of wish it didn’t require an American citizen being found dead to get there.

  2. NetQuarterLatte on

    > We will continue to work with our partners in the region to secure an agreement without delay that frees the remaining hostages

    So rather than waiting and seeing if Hamas will accept a *ceasefire agreement* with Israel, when will Biden stop negotiating with the terrorists and start treating Hamas as the terrorists that they are?

  3. justtinkeringaround on

    >From its massacre of 1,200 people to sexual violence

    I just wanted to take a moment and commend Kamala for saying what has been and still continues to be denied by the world, that the sexual violence is fake. Thank you Kamala for reaffirming what others want to gaslight us into believing is just normal day to day part of resistance.

  4. I heard on the radio this morning, that the bodies showed signs they have died recently.

    So I guess they didn’t want the hostages to tell about what they did to them.

  5. Real-Crazy-2025 on

    As long as the people of Palestine have no other options to defend themselves and their land from genocidal white settler colonists, may they live to fight another day

  6. Opentobeingwrong on

    Didn’t everyone know hostages would get killed if Israel invaded and then that dead hostage would to them justify killing even more palestinians? This is by design from Israel.. What else did anyone think a terrorist cell holding hostages would do?

  7. Hamas is shit, but Israel is shit too. Furthermore, Hamas is not even a state, the contrast in how organised Israel and Hamas is very stark. Yet we have Israeli politicians justifying and glorifying rape on the enemy, and there is no talk of elimination of them.

    Sanctioning calls are starting but the reaction is nowhere near the same as the 1200 casualty event compared to the horrifying human tragedy going on in Palestine where more than 50 thousand people already died and counting.

    Israel is getting away with slowly ethnically cleansing their region through terror and military force. They are not ignorant, they are not dirt poor like Palestinians. They should be much much MUCH more benevolent considering their resources and capabilities. Yet they are revanchist and cruel, they have an agenda they are moving towards, and they will probably get away with it. Uncanny…

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