Welche Sprache sprechen Sie?


Von FakeTsar


  1. Mobile-Trust-385 on

    Brat jedva nas zna da prica a pravi se Englez, sjedi dje si ni za dje si nisi

  2. DownvoteEvangelist on

    Jel Vucic smeo ovako Milu da upada… Ima li ikakav snimak gde su Vučić i Milo zajedno?

  3. Kako ga Vučić poklapa svaki put kad je zajedno sa njim, a ovaj ne zna da se odbrani, žao mi ga je stvarno

    Uporedite ovo i kad je pokušavao da se ubaci Plenkoviću ili Osmani, prošao svaki put s repom među nogama

  4. Powerful-Mixture5825 on


    (Of course, there are local variations even within “Croatian” and “Serbian” – Southern and Northern Croatia, for example, have different sounds and emphasis; Montenegrins in the East and West also have different words and accents – but at the end of the day there is one intelligible language: Yugoslavian ).

  5. Vučić needs to shut the f*** up and let the man speak. We can argue to our death beds about which language we speak, who came first, whose cultures we borrowed, but at the end of the day, we’re all the same shit.

    I’m Bosnian, so naturally I just call it Bosnian language, but whichever Ex-Yu country I visit, I will speak **their** language. I collectively refer to all of them as maternji jezik.

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