Hallo. Wir haben unsere erste Wohnung gekauft, hatten aber das Pech, dass unsere Nachbarn starke Raucher sind und leider (für sie) Probleme haben. Wir haben bereits mit dem Gemeinderat und den Nachbarn selbst gesprochen, aber die Probleme bestehen weiterhin und wir wissen, dass sie trotz der schrecklichen Situation, die sie für uns schaffen, im Recht sind.

Eines der Hauptprobleme ist der starke Aschegeruch, der von ihrem Balkon weht, selbst wenn sie dort nicht rauchen, und natürlich der Rauch selbst.

Hat jemand eine Idee, wie wir eine Barriere bauen können, die den Geruch und Rauch davon abhält, auf unsere Seite zu gelangen? Wie Sie auf den Bildern sehen können, liegen die Balkone sehr nah beieinander und haben viele gemeinsame Öffnungen.

Wir suchen nach einer Lösung, die uns finanziell nicht ruiniert. Wir haben bereits Aktivkohlebeutel und einen Luftreiniger für das Wohnzimmer gekauft. Aber diese werden natürlich nicht perfekt funktionieren.

Ich bin für jeden Rat dankbar.


Von thaleshfc


  1. YakGlass3722 on

    there is nothing you can do. The only option is you need to sell your property to the next victim and move on. because I’m sure the old owner of the property was also sick and tired of the same problem.

  2. whelplookatthat on

    Maybe sett up a “fake” wall thats cover the entire side. You’ll still get some smoke, but a better barrier can help. You can then also decorate it so it doesn’t look too ugle with some nice outdoor lights and/or coloured classes etc. And having a fan next to the wall for extra protection.

  3. Spacegiraffs on

    I have problems with the ones living under me and under to the side are smokers
    my solution
    never open windows or go outside ever
    my apartment is hot, and never get fresh air in, but it’s the only thing I can do :/

  4. SwiftlyAimed on

    Come on, let people smoke outdoors. Don’t be the kind of person who constantly complains. I’m not a smoker myself, but if someone is smoking outside, you just need to live with it.

  5. Maximum-Scientist462 on

    I used to smoke in my youth and don’t mind the smell now, but smell of old ashes and butts in an ashtray is absolutely disgusting.

    Depending on how your dialogue is with them, ask to get an ashtray with a proper lid on it (like a jam jar or something). If they’re somewhat okay people, they should accommodate without issues.

  6. Well, I would say ask them very politely if it was okay to buy them a odorfree lid ashtray as you respect their right to do what they want on their property, but you would really appreciate it if you found a solution where the smell could be limited when they weren’t smoking.

    But if you’ve already complained to the board and them, and judging by your comment (sadly “for them”) it doesn’t seem to have gone well.

    Best I could offer is apologise for your initial reaction and try the first suggestion. Most people don’t try to be dicks, but most people don’t like to be told what they can and can’t do with/on their stuff either.

    I don’t want to come off brash, but it’s really a “you problem”, hence why I suggested to offer to buy it yourself.

    Next time you buy property I’d suggest spending time around the area, not just the viewing. Walk the streets, chat with the neighbors, you’ll get a better idea of what you’re considering to buy

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