Huthi-Video zeigt, wie jemenitische Rebellen Bomben auf einem Tanker platzierten, der nun eine Ölpest im Roten Meer heraufbeschwört


  1. I don’t know if they know this, but the water in the Red Sea doesn’t exactly move so that oil would make their beaches and coastal communities even more like poop.

  2. Seems like they are hurting their own region and country more than America or Israel. It’s all risk vs reward, there isn’t much reward in Yemen and oil isn’t that hard to find elsewhere.

    >Yemen’s oil production has been declining in recent years, and is currently estimated to be around 15,000 barrels per day (b/d) in 2023 and the first half of 2024. This is down from 52,000 b/d in 2022. 

    They are more effective at killing their own economy than anything else.

  3. CrustyCally on

    Has anyone asked them nicely to stop? Seems to be working so well with Hezbollah

  4. Should’ve just let either Saudis/Emiratis or the Yemeni govt take the Al-Hodeidah port back in 2018

  5. CozyBlueCacaoFire on

    Yemeni people a literally starving to death, and somehow these idiots are building and planting bombs instead of funneling it to food?

  6. Dinocop1234 on

    The Just Stop Oil protester are sure to sweep in and solve this issue. They will protest the Houthis and make it all better, right? 

  7. corpusapostata on

    They’re more anarchists than anything else. At this point, their lives are so screwed, they figure they’ll make everyone else’s life miserable, and take as many as possible with them.

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