Weißrussland nutzt Flugzeuge, um russische Kampfdrohne abzuschießen, die zum ersten Mal nach Weißrussland flog



  1. intermediatetransit on

    Seems pretty unsensational to me. They most likely had no idea whose drone it was and shot it down by mistake.

    Heck, communications in the Russian military is so poor that friendly fire is a regular occurrence.

  2. In the context of the he said yesterday i really hope Luka is considering changing

  3. tampaginga on

    When the wolfs smell weak bear they are after him! Even Belarus can go against Putin at any moment!

  4. Araghothe1 on

    You guys know there’s a civil war going on in Russia right now as well right? A good portion of Russia has rebelled.

  5. sokocanuck on

    Lukashen-hoe looks like the heads that the baby turns into in Spirited Away.

  6. I think Lukashenko might think Vlad’s days at least in Ukraine could be numbered.

  7. I know it was most likely accidental, but it’s really, really funny in the context of what he said recently xD

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