Die neuen Beschränkungen der Liberalen für ausländische Zeitarbeiter weisen noch viele Lücken auf



    1. PacketGain on


      This change was only to make it look like the Liberals were doing something.

    2. AnInsultToFire on

      The biggest gap is that they’re lying, they won’t do a thing, at best they’ll halfheartedly institute a few policy changes that have gigantic holes built in that will only make immigration skyrocket even higher.

    3. Sharp_Simple_2764 on

      “Gaps” and loopholes are rarely accidental. It’s not like the government employs rookies as their lawyers and advisers. They know damn well how to go about changing little to nothing, while trumpeting that they are making changes.

    4. strippeddonkey on

      Like flatulence passing through a dead body; sure it’s making noise but it’s already too late.

    5. marksteele6 on

      So the only gap listed in this article is that regions with low unemployment (three month rolling average) will still be able to hire temporary workers outside of key industries like agriculture. Given that’s in the program by design, I’m not really sure it’s a gap.

      I would also be curious to get a wider breakdown on the numbers that NatPo cited. I have a feeling the vast majority of the workers in those cases were agricultural jobs…

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