Diese Kabel liegen seit zwei Jahren in unseren Straßen. Sie haben uns Glasfaser versprochen, aber alles, was sie getan haben, war, unsere Häuser mit was auch immer zu verbinden. Das Unternehmen FiberKlaar antwortet nicht auf Fragen. Ist das normal? Wie lange kann es dauern?


Von Cap10diddy


  1. I have been waiting for 2-3 years now that I’m supposed to be able to have fiber internet connection. There is a fiber cable and a box already in my house now… Still waiting for Proximus or whoever to be able to use it.

  2. Seems perfectly normal. We’ve also been waiting for years now. In mean time I’ve been able to cancel the subscription I had ordered because I don’t need the connection anymore.
    At this point we’re just happy they stopped breaking utilities and infrastructure… 

  3. Internet Mafia with Proximus as godfather…when you look at what our neighbours have it’s shameful

  4. NenAlienGeenKonijn on

    Years ago (I think about 5 years now..) we got communication about the fiberklaar project, including a url that allows you to opt-in to receiving priority for the fiberklaar project.

    Opting in wasn’t a terrible idea: What this meant is that about a year ago, they actually took the fiber cable inside and finished the work (installed the ethernet box in the wall), letting us know that the signal should become active somewhere in the future.

    A year later, everyone else’s connection is still laying bare on the street: hundreds of bundles of blue cable. I have no idea how resilient these are, but I really hope they can withstand our weather, because right now they’ve been sitting there for almost 2 years in total. Ofcourse our connection doesn’t work yet either, and we have absolutely no idea when any progress will be made.

    It’s not urgent for me (perfectly happy with my current edpnet subscription), but I really hope that they won’t have to redo a bunch of the cabling in our street.

  5. Mavamaarten on

    Hey, at least you have something! We only have the empty promise that they’ll contact me for an appointment once they start here.

  6. At least you have the cables on your street. In my area we have nothing.

    That being said, most if not all fiber subscriptions do not offer symmetrical bandwidth, which is supposed to be the biggest advantage of fiber connection. And it’s already possible 1Gbps on Telenet copper – same a max speed they offer on their fiber.

  7. Here they’ve broken open the city twice in a year, causing traffic infarcts for over half a year. Cables are still sticking out like in your picture.
    Fiberklaar seems like an incompetent company at best, or there’s something else involved.

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