„Frauen in kurzen Röcken im Visier“ … 40-Jähriger zu Bewährungsstrafe verurteilt, weil er 52 Frauenhintern illegal gefilmt hat


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  1. Ok-Pumpkin-5130 on

    A man in his 40s, who was charged with secretly filming the backsides of women in short skirts by following them, has been sentenced to a suspended prison term.

    On the 23rd, Judge Shin Dong-il of the Chuncheon District Court Criminal Division 1 sentenced A (43) to 8 months in prison, suspended for 2 years, for violating the Act on the Punishment of Sexual Violence Crimes (using cameras and similar devices for filming and distribution). He was also ordered to undergo probation and attend 40 hours of sexual violence treatment lectures.

    A was found to have used his smartphone to film the backsides of a woman wearing a short skirt in Gwangjin District, Seoul, on March 31 of last year.

    Over the next 5 months, he secretly filmed the backsides of 52 women walking on the street, including their buttocks and legs, on 142 occasions. He was ultimately charged with filming a person’s body against their will, which could induce shame.

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