🙄 Bruh


    Von Dizzy-Efficiency-659


    1. Diku do filloje…serbet e filluan nga aty ku iu pelqen 🤪😂

    2. Then they continued with Panda Bar Massacre by killing their own kids and blaming it on Albanians. What sweet neighbors we have don’t we?

    3. Don’t let people read that

      Emergency rooms would be full of

      I don’t know how that got there, Albanians did it.

      I was asleep

      I felt it go in but it felt nice so I let it happen


      It was a woman

      I’m not gay

      Her name was


      She had a lover with her

      She was called Gazmend

      No doctor, I don’t want you to call the police

      I’m scared

      That they will not come back.


      You saying they were men?

      I’ll kill them.

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