Möchten Sie die Landeswährung in Zukunft umbenennen? Wenn ja, wie würden Sie es nennen?


Von Mushy_Lupus_Wild


  1. Taler sounds nice, it was a most common coin in 17th century GDL, as far as I know. I heard there was a project by BPF opposition party like this in the 90s but it got rejected, correct me if I’m being wrong.

    But in reality our country should just switch to Euro or USD when Luka and his people will be gone and we will be free to influence our government as a people, people here count everything important in USD anyway.

  2. Professional-Debt110 on

    I would like to have talers(=100 grosh). Taler exchange rate should be tied to Euro, making 1 taler equal to 1 euro.

  3. It’s not like you will have a choice when the Colonel dies. It will be the Ruble

  4. Accomplished_Alps463 on

    If Lukashenko has his way, it will be called the Ruble ₽.

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