Einheimische Mädchen fordern eine indische Touristin auf einem Musikfestival in Tirana (Albanien) auf, „nach Indien zurückzukehren“.


Von Pristine10887


  1. TheosThe1st on

    Shqiptarët I bëjnë me keq vendit sesa të huajt. Pse po publikon gjithkund këtë video o lulash?

  2. Sorry-Cattle7870 on

    Travelling to Albania soon and as an Indian I’m worried about possible racism?

  3. laysmerigon on

    Who gives a fuck what some random silly ass girls told this woman lol, that could happen anywhere in the world with anyone so stop complaining

  4. cocoadusted on

    One experience with four dumbasses ruined your whole experience of Albania? Need to reevaluate your life.

  5. Tani nuk e perjashtoj idene qe nje grup adoleshentesh 14-15 vjec te thone dicka te till por prap mua me duket pak si Karren qe te prekesh kaq shume per dicka kaq te vogel.

    Pyll pa derra nuk ka po prap nuk e perjashtoj faktin qe mund te jete click bait per vemendje.

  6. Ghostofcoolidge on

    The racism part I don’t believe. The cutting in line part I *do* believe 😂

  7. Eldergrise on

    In india she would have been sexually harassed 5x by now and she is crying about some stupid kids just for attension.

  8. AssignmentOk5986 on

    Jesus the fact no one here has even referred to the racists negatively and 80% of comments are an insult targeted at the victim says a lot.

  9. She is so over dramatic. Been watching her tt videos and she is always so passive agressive

  10. Kjo e ka si fushate, e rastisa tu e pa dhe te gjitha videot i kishte sa i ngja Shqiperia Indise, dhe sesi po ja kalonte shume keq ktu.
    Vk ksaj

  11. CheetahOpen1071 on

    “We aren’t racist!”
    All the comments then proceed to insult the victim instead of denouncing the racist comments said to her.
    You are all really proving your point.

  12. lemmejusttrythat on

    She is blaming the country because of 4 individuals. Tells a lot about her mentality.
    If you don’t like the country you might as well get out of it indeed. Bye 👋

  13. Idkmanfookit on

    You can’t just generalise the whole of Albania just because of that, wtf? One incident from 4 brats and she lost all hope for Albania💀

  14. Qysh osht e mundur me tra nmend me bo video-selfie tu kajt se kom kuptu hala 😅

  15. MpakVspleska on

    I wonder what will happen if they say the same to the 9 million Albanians who live abroad?

  16. balkanbaklava on

    lol at all the racist comments in here from albanians under comments saying “albania isn’t racist” we’re failing the pr war guys

  17. TheKingOfCoyotes on

    So this needs to be a statement to all of Albania? Because of 4 teenage girls? This is such an American/Canadian approach. So annoying.

  18. MassiveBowler6593 on

    if it was me I’d say sure, pay for my flight if you mean it, I’ll send you the bill.

  19. Party-Competition-1 on

    This happens in Germany, France and the United Kingdom as well. Nothing Albania specific. These types of people are all over Europe.

  20. Albanoi_Mapping on

    If a full grown up women felt so victimized by 4 girls and had to make a video of herself, for a worldwide problem that can happen everywhere if not worse than this, then she really needs to go back to India so she doesn’t cry on the streets of Europe every day

  21. Key_Tangerine2302 on

    recently Indians have been trying to get international victim points similar to how black people have been in the U.S, they see it and copy it

    in india much worse things happen to women than simply being told to go back to their country, she should be concerned with that, instead of trying to call out local women for whatever they are doing in their own country, and then being mad when they insult her back, shes a guest she should mind her own business

    obviously Albania is a much more civilized and functioning society considering women aren’t at risk being gang ***ed by mobs of men at any time, and there arent PR campaigns to teach people to not defecate in the street, one of these people is complaining about albania

  22. chrisM4rteen on

    A çna boni ai rahmetliu… i dha ze çdo pordhe ne bote – me tru edhe pa tru

  23. Im from Spain and I feel welcomed in Albania, but i guess with caucasian is not a problem

  24. If she cutted the line in India probably they would rape her and she complains because someone in Europe told her to go back to her country lol…these indians…

  25. Cautious-Passage-597 on

    That’s true we are racist and nationalist any problem?

  26. NoCall6197 on

    Never take responsibility for your own actions? This is not racism my dear. When in Rome do what the romans do. You’re in Albania, follow their rules or get insulted 🥴

  27. GF_D_presents3456 on

    Piçkesemes pse i pal aq shum thuji atyne mhonksh mune e mbaroji muhabeti ça do tbojn qr çi plas njerzeve kaq se ça thojn te tjeret

  28. TheGringoLife on

    Yes we have a racism problem but we all know what happens to solo female travellers in India.

  29. Ngl. She 99% got confused for a gypisie. Which people in Albania tolerate but not respect.

  30. FitMud1556 on

    It’s bad but it’s disproportionately conveyed. I’ve seen that some of these foreigners are intentionally triggering young people to get a response. And they got one. I’ve followed through with some of these months after and they’re sttaight up racists themselves in aome other countries or commentaries. This is bad, but I wouldn’t worry about these “race crusaders”. My 2.5 cents.

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