Ich bin nur ein Tourist in Norwegen, aber ist es hier normal/legal, dass ein Bauer seine alten Möbel und seinen Plastikmüll in Ufernähe verbrennen kann?


Von Red_Bio_Hazard


  1. Present-Substance-82 on

    I believe it’s illegal to do but a couple of decades ago it was usual to have a drum in the yard for burning garbage. Unfortunately it is quite usual to see and I see around 10 every year. 
    I think most of the people who do this are quite retarded and all the main land Europeans I talk to can’t wrap their head around this level of short sightedness

  2. Like crude oil extraction in Norway, he does it in the most environmentally friendly way. If he was to send the garbage abroad, they would burn it and create even more emissions!

  3. Aggressive_Cloud2002 on

    It’s illegal in many countries in this day and age, but I’m pretty sure many farmers across the world still deal with trash this way

  4. Red_Bio_Hazard on

    Thank you for the answers – just as I imagined. And yes, in rural Germany it happens sometimes.

  5. Its not legal. You can notify the local municipality or police if you want to.

    IT is legal to burn untreated wood, cutting etc as long as there isnt a general ban on open fires. Its quite common in fall.

  6. UncleJoesLandscaping on

    Unlesss he is burning radioactive waste, it’s really not a big deal. People have to get some realistic perspectives.

  7. Representative-Top87 on

    Really sad. Beautiful country, but idiots live everywhere on the planet. 🤡

  8. Gurkeprinsen on

    Where did you encounter this? You could call the fire department and they would do sonethibg avout it. It is definitely illegal.

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