Ich habe die Quellen des Subreddits gelesen und in Kommentarbereichen Leute gesehen, die darüber sprachen, dass jeder, der die Voraussetzungen erfüllt, angenommen wird. Warum gibt es Webseiten wie diese, die das Gegenteil behaupten? Einer der Colleges hat laut dieser Seite nur eine Annahmequote von 20 %. Ich versuche zu entscheiden, ob ich mich bei mehreren Universitäten bewerben soll oder nur bei einer. Ich habe noch Zeit, weil ich mich erst 2026 bewerbe, aber ich möchte es einfach verstehen.


Why are there websites comparing college acceptance rates if y'all don't have those?
byu/WarcrimeNugget ingermany

Von WarcrimeNugget


  1. deathoflice on

    there are restricted courses. i studied architecture in a public university and less than 1/3 of applicants were admitted. you had to send in drawings and pass an interview. so i ‚qualified‘.

  2. Taurenis89 on

    How reliable is a page that lists the University of Freiburg with an acceptance rate of 33% as a university with a “high acceptance rate”, but Deggendorf (58%), Mittweida (50%), Anhalt University of Applied Sciences (49%) and Siegen (50%) have “moderate acceptance rates”?

    In Germany, it is not universities whose rates are decisive, it is the individual degree programs that are relevant. There are degree programs that are admission-free, for which you have an acceptance rate of 100%; degree programs that are in high demand, such as medicine, might have an acceptance rate of 5%, both at the same university. These rates are therefore not at all meaningful when it comes to choosing a specific degree program.

  3. Particular_Star6324 on

    You said it yourself. Everyone who qualifies gets accepted. Doesn‘t mean everyone qualifies!

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