Der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin besuchte die Allee der Märtyrer und legte am Denkmal der Ewigen Flamme einen Kranz nieder

Von datashrimp29


  1. datashrimp29 on

    Isn’t that odd considering that it was Russia that committed [Black January]( also known as Black Saturday or the January Massacre, a violent crackdown on Azerbaijani nationalism and anti-Soviet sentiment in Baku on 19–20 January 1990?

  2. kurdechanian on

    Look at this pussy being protected by tons of bodyguards in probably city’s safest place.

  3. NotSamuraiJosh26_2 on

    I would rather have Pashinyan visit it than this sewer rat

  4. derpadodoop on

    Lol. Even though Vlad could invade the country tomorrow and most the world would do little to nothing, having to show even an ounce of fake ceremonial respect toward Azerbaijan must sting a bit. 

  5. Martyrs that they have killed… Russia first kills your citizens then visit it…

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