Leiche des Trump-Schützen ist „verschwunden“

Von LucidCharade


  1. Godgoldnguns on

    Would have been embarrassing not to find any gun powder residue on the body

  2. Decent-Weekend-1489 on

    Of course it is, it was buried at sea in accordance with Muslim burial rites LOL

  3. I mean it’s been like, a month? Isn’t that even a little long to keep a dead body around? Would be nice to get multiple autopsies but it’s really not that surprising is it?

  4. Checks Daily mail bias in allsides: right-leaning.

    Oh. Next Reddit post…

  5. He was dropped in the middle of the Atlantic ocean like Megatron and Osama bin laden

  6. MomusSinclair on

    Gone into hiding. Whole thing was staged. Get a nose job, surgically alter that Habsburg jaw and he’s right back into the game.

  7. youcanpick on

    This couldn’t more plainly be an example of a politician trying to attach their name to a major historical event for the clout.

    I hope his district takes notes about how he’s spending their money.

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