Ja, China wird Taiwan angreifen, aber nicht ohne vorher das Südchinesische Meer zu erobern — Geopolitische Gespräche



  1. China’s ambition to reunify Taiwan with the mainland is evident, but the path to achieving this goal is fraught with challenges. Securing the South China Sea (West Philippine Sea, Biển Đông) is a crucial step in China’s strategy.

  2. Patient-Reach1030 on

    “Yes, China will invade Taiwan” – And that my friends is what we call “Determinism”

    There is just too many variables to simply say “yeah, they’ll invade.”

  3. Machopsdontcry on

    Ask the indigenous Taiwanese if their island has already been invaded by China yet or not.

    In any case, as long as US naval supremacy holds or remains equal, China won’t risk any invasion. Just look at D-day and how much of a struggle it was, and that included total air and naval supremacy.

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