Guten Morgen euch allen. Ich wohne derzeit in Kars in der Türkei und plane einen Roadtrip nach Tiflis mit meinem Privatwagen. Ich frage mich, ob Sie Informationen über die Route haben, die ich teile? Ist es sicher, mit dem Auto zu reisen? Gibt es unterwegs interessante Orte, die man sich ansehen kann? Ich bin für alle Arten von Informationen offen. Danke.
Von ready4d
Ye it a safe route (sorry, I don’t know much more about it). Its actually planned to open a passenger rail on that route, Kars-Tbilisi-Baku, its like 90% or so finished and cargo trains is already run on that route.
Last summer I went on exactly the same trip from kars to tbilisi. It is definitely safe, but the 30 km stretch of road from the border to Akhalkalaki is in a bad condition. If possible use an off-road car, but an ordinary one is also ok . I managed to drive there in toyota prius. It was bumpy but doable. the route is picturesque on both sides. Lake Paravani is the largest lake in Georgia and it is quite beautiful. There is Dashbashi canyon near Tsalka which is nice and you can also see Manglisi cathedral if you want.
Terke to gorgia I guess?
I’ve taken that route. Lovely drive. Like someone else said lake paravani and that area is beautiful. If you want a real adventure and your car can handle some mild off-road, take the dirt road on the west side of the lake that passes through some very small but interesting villages. The ancient cave city of Vardzia is also very close to this route.
About the first 1:30 of this video is near your route.