Süd-Aserbaidschan-Frage: Wie leben Millionen Türken im Iran?

Von howtospeakscience


  1. What kind of dumb story is this. Persian civilisation and Azeris have been hand and glove.

    The seperation of the two groups is a recent phenomenon.

  2. AlMunawwarAlBathis on

    We need an actual insurgent group that actively fights the iranian regime to liberate south azerbajian iran is at its weakest position right now its globally isolated and torn down economically with sanctions and even the most ethnic persian youth turned secularists and they hate the iranian regime with western support we could spark a civil war in iran and while the persians are busy killing each other with islamist/secular issue we could use the support from west to stage an armed uprising in south azerbajian and seperate from iran this is such a gold opprutunity iran was never this weak we have a shot at securing our independence and liberate ourselves from 90 years of occupication

  3. Leamsezadah on

    There is no Southern Azerbaijan issue but Mullah issue which effects all Iranians

  4. Leamsezadah on

    I think it’s time for the mods to introduce a rule regarding separatism. I don’t want the Azerbaijan sub to become a ridiculous place for separatism and conflict with other countries. Those who want to discuss these kinds of topics can create appropriate subs for themselves.

  5. Ne kadar çok fars köpeği varmış yorumlarda,yok iran güney azerbaycanlıların vatanıymışda falanda filanda lan mal iran aryan demek zaten fars irkini temsil ediyor direkt sen farsmisinda bu kadar baglaniyorsun bu sikik virane devlete.Son olarak diyecegim odur ki istesenizde istemesenizde guney Azerbaycan bağımsız olacaktir nokta hadi eyvallah.

  6. We do not have a region called South Azerbaijan! Azerbaijan is Azerbaijan. Tabriz is the heart of Azerbaijan and Azerbaijan is the heart of Iran. We are neither Turks nor Persians! We are Azerbaijani and more importantly, we are proudly Iranian!

    Yaşasın böyük İran💚🤍❤

  7. worthmorethanballs on

    I am a son of an azerbijani. My Azeri is not very good, due to the fact that mother is my Azeri, so how fast this guy talking almost gave me a headache. I had to rewind to many times.

    On to the main issue, the racism in Iran is 100% true. No matter how superior you might be to a Persian (mentally, physically, financially and so on) they will always resort to the “donkey Turk” instant. Almost always. I never lived in Iran but when I was young I made a few trip with my parents. I could see how kids were toward me and my cousins when they found out we were Azeri. They would see me speak Farsi with a thick American accent, and they would swoon. But the moment they would find out I’m actually Azeri, the jokes would come. Now I should say I haven’t been to Iran for 25+ years, since I was 8-9, so things might be different now.

    Funny thing is that it was azeris that gave Iran back to Iran. It was azeris the revived the Persian language. It was Turks that unified Iran from the khalifet… BUT, BIG BUT… the last true Turkish dynasty (Qajars) were extremely incompetent unlike the Safavids. They lost a lot of territory, they destroyed the economy and international standing of Iran. They were selfish and so on.

    So when Reza shah (who was part Azeri and spoke Azeri very well) came to power he had to push a unifying idea to try to restore Iran. Hence his love for Persian art, literature and history. He somewhat succeeded which is why Iranian are so proud of their history. If it wasn’t for his and his son work, most Iranian wouldn’t know shit about their history.

  8. Azərbaycan da azərbaycanlılar nə qədər güclü sualını hec verən yoxdu

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