Nur ein Meme, 50 vjet me vone kur te beheni prinder (bitte lass dich nicht von der Wahrheit provozieren)

Von danielfantastiko


  1. danielfantastiko on

    yep its pissing people off , the truth hurts you are responsible for your future kids , the new generation

  2. ElevatorBrief on

    Fiks si ata komunistet qe nuk i shqitet akoma komunizmi. Po edhe Saliu anetar i partise se punes ka qene.

  3. Neither the mom nor the kid, nor the op know what he was right about.

    Kids have been left without fathers (12 janari), kids have died with limbs blown off (gerdeci,97), kids have ended down the ocean (otranto), if the mother and son 50 years from now are nostalgic for these mother fuckers… God help them

    There are facist kids around the world that think hitler was right, and some mothers and fathers that agree, so you know…

    Heck, some kids beg enver “cou enver”

  4. fatronaldo99 on

    Anyone “elected” after fall of communism was always going to be a kleptocrat so honestly it wouldn’t have mattered who was in charge

  5. Yesyesyes1899 on

    two hyper corrupt parties. one was responsible for 97 and lots of other shit. the other for the modest course towards the west and european enjoyment of albania as tourists. while I am no fan of the guy who kissed melonis ass and decided to himself to take 20k refugees a year , i am definitely not a fan of sali ,who as a doctor told my granny she had 5 years to live. and went on living for another 23. she called him the dumbest doctors she had ever met. literally, dumb. and no manners of speaking.

    anything and everything he ever did was all about him and his greed. he is a street thug with temperance and ambition. but thats it. out of the corrupt two I ll take the guy who at least knows how to make albania look good to the world. Sali made it look horrible. remember the fucking 90s? the street holes ? tge pyramids ? Sali.

    dumbass. I hope you are at least getting paid for this . or worse. it’s AI.

  6. Acrobatic-Bonus6547 on

    O Daniel,kot per kuriozitet,cfare mendimi ke per partite e reja qe jane formuar vitin e fundit,specifikisht per Shqiperia Behet,Mundesia dhe Levizja Bashke?

  7. uanitasuanitatum on

    50 vjet me vone do jemi si ato plakat shtatzena te bibles….

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